All Methods: brief info
Method 1.1 : the App + cloud VPS
The App is installed on phones, it connects to a VPS.
Proxysmart software is installed on the VPS.
Proxy users connect to the VPS.
PRO: no USB hubs, just phones wall chargers
PRO: no local PC
PRO: all phones models are supported
CON: no way to control a phone if MobileData goes off
CON: phones MobileData is used for forwarding proxies ports - so it works bidirectionally
Method 1.2 : the App + Proxysmart server in the LAN (“WIFI-Split”)
The App is installed on phones, it connects to a Proxysmart server installed in the
LAN by its local WIFI IP
Proxysmart software is installed on the local server in the
Proxy ports forwarded either through a VPS, or through
LAN router
PRO: no USB hubs, just phones wall chargers
PRO: Home WAN can be used for forwarding the proxy ports
PRO: all phones models are supported
CON: no way to control a phone if MobileData goes off
Method 2.1 : USB tethering + Termux
An App (Termux) is installed on phones.
They are connected to the Linux PC with USB tethering.
The PC forwards proxy ports to a VPS.
Proxy users connect to the VPS.
PRO: phone can be controlled even if its MobileData goes off
PRO: all phones models are supported
CON: a lot of wires;
CON: USB tethering may switch off
CON: expensive USB hubs
Method 2.2 : Termux + VPS
An App (Termux) is installed on phones.
The phones are connected to the Linux VPS running in the cloud
Proxy users connect to the VPS.
PRO: no USB hubs, just phones wall chargers
PRO: no local PC
PRO: all phones models are supported
CON: no way to control a phone if MobileData goes off
CON: phones MobileData is used for forwarding proxies ports - so it works bidirectionally
Method 3 : USB tethering + ADB
Phones enable ADB and are connected to the Linux PC with USB tethering.
The PC forwards proxy ports to a VPS.
Proxy users connect to the VPS.
PRO: no extra Apps are installed on the phone, very simple to setup
PRO: a phone can be controlled even if its MobileData goes off
CON: not all phones models are supported
CON: a lot of wires;
CON: USB tethering may switch off
CON: expensive USB hubs
General Info
Method 1.1 : the App + cloud VPS
Brief info of the method:
The App is installed on phones, it connects to a VPS.
Proxysmart software is installed on the VPS.
Proxy users connect to the VPS.
PRO: no USB hubs, just phones wall chargers
PRO: no local PC
PRO: all phones models are supported
CON: no way to control a phone if MobileData goes off
CON: phones MobileData is used for forwarding proxies ports - so it works bidirectionally
Prepare the Proxysmart server:
Prepare a phone:
Uninstall Macrodroid, Termux, Termux:Api, Termux:Boot (if they were installed)
Remove Screen Lock
Enable Developers settings
Settings - Battery - select “performance” profile , disable battery savers.
Connect the phone to the Mobile Network
Disconnect from Wifi and forget all saved WIFI networks
Disconnect USB data cable from the PC
Proxysmart App installation
Connect the App to the Proxysmart server:
Open the App
Enter details:
Device Name: must be u101 , u102, and so on.
Server password:
px903903 (or whatever is set in the Proxysmart server WebApp as
IP address: IP or hostname of the cloud VPS with Proxysmart
Tap CONFIGURE, tap Google or Gear icon, set “Proxysmart” as voice assistant, tap back.
Tap TRY CHANGE IP. Confirm the phone went to AirPlane mode and came back.
Wait until it shows “Connnected” and appears in the Proxysmart WebApp
Test IP rotation
Post Steps
Reboot the phone
After start-up (1-2 minute later), the Proxysmart App will start and connect to the Proxysmart server
Wait until the phone appears in the WebApp of the Proxysmart server
Method 1.2 : the App + Proxysmart server in the LAN (“WIFI-Split”)
Brief info of the method:
The App is installed on phones, it connects to a Proxysmart server installed in the
LAN by its local WIFI IP
Proxysmart software is installed on the local server in the
Proxy ports forwarded either through a VPS, or through
LAN router
PRO: no USB hubs, just phones wall chargers
PRO: Home WAN can be used for forwarding the proxy ports
PRO: all phones models are supported
CON: no way to control a phone if MobileData goes off
Prepare the Home/Office router
Peer-to-peer connections must be allowed between
LAN clients, so
LAN clients can communicate over WiFi.
Prepare the Proxysmart server:
Prepare a phone:
Uninstall Macrodroid, Termux, Termux:Api, Termux:Boot (if they were installed)
Remove Screen Lock
Enable Developers settings
Settings - Battery - select “performance” profile , disable battery savers.
Connect the phone to the Mobile Network
In Android Settings → Developer Settings → enable 'keep mobile data On even if WiFi is connected'
Connect phone to WIFI and enable MobileData.
Disconnect USB data cable from the PC
Proxysmart App installation
Connect the App to the Proxysmart server:
Open the App
Enter details:
Device Name: must be u101 , u102, and so on.
Server password:
px903903 (or whatever is set in the Proxysmart server WebApp as
IP address: local
LAN IP of the PC with Proxysmart
Tap CONFIGURE, tap Google or Gear icon, set “Proxysmart” as voice assistant, tap back.
Tap TRY CHANGE IP. Confirm the phone went to AirPlane mode and came back.
Wait until it shows “Connnected” and appears in the Proxysmart WebApp
Test IP rotation
Post Steps
Reboot the phone
After start-up (1-2 minute later), the Proxysmart App will start and connect to the Proxysmart server
Wait until the phone appears in the WebApp of the Proxysmart server
Method 2.1 : USB tethering + Termux
Brief info of the method:
An App (Termux) is installed on phones.
They are connected to the Linux PC with USB tethering.
The PC forwards proxy ports to a VPS.
Proxy users connect to the VPS.
PRO: phone can be controlled even if its MobileData goes off
PRO: all phones models are supported
CON: a lot of wires;
CON: USB tethering may switch off
CON: expensive USB hubs
Prepare the Proxysmart server:
Prepare a phone:
Uninstall Macrodroid, Termux, Termux:Api, Termux:Boot (if they were installed)
Remove Screen Lock
Enable Developers settings
Settings - Battery - select “performance” profile , disable battery savers.
Connect the phone to the Mobile Network
Disconnect from Wifi and forget all saved WIFI networks
Connect with USB cable to the PC with Proxysmart
In Developer settings: set Default USB mode: Tethering.
Termux App installation
Open F-Droid App, install Termux, Termux:Api, Termux:Boot.
Run Termux:Boot, it will show up, then switch to Home screen.
Long press Termux icon, INFO>Battery>set Unrestricted, grant access to Location, SMS, CONTACTS, Calls
Repeat for Termux:Boot and Termux:
API Apps.
Open Termux, wait until it's initialized & black screen with cursos appears.
Type in:
curl > pz; bash -x pz
Expect big green DONE in the end.
Install Macrodroid from GooglePlay.
Long tap on Macrodroid app icon ⇒ Run in background ⇒ yes
Open Macrodroid app, settings ⇒ Ignore battery optimizations
Create a macro
Trigger: catch notification: notification recieved: any app: contains: PX_RESET
Then press OK.
Action: vibrate Blip, Airplane ON, wait 2s, Airplane OFF
Grant all permissions! (catch notification, assistent, etc).
Save macro as IP-Reset
Test trigger. It must vibrate and do Airplane on\off.
Create a macro
Trigger: Regular interval: 15 minutes
Actions: Airplane off, Launch application: Termux
Save as Autofix, (grant Overlay)
Test IP rotation
Open Termux App. Type in:
And press ENTER. You will see how IP is changed + micro vibration.
Post Steps
Reboot the phone
After start-up (1-2 minute later) USB tethering will be enabled
After start-up (1-2 minute later) Termux will auto-start.
Plug in the Proxysmart server with USB data cable
Wait until the phone appears in the WebApp of the Proxysmart server
Method 2.2 : Termux + VPS
Brief info of the method:
An App (Termux) is installed on phones.
The phones are connected to the Linux VPS running in the cloud
Proxy users connect to the VPS.
PRO: no USB hubs, just phones wall chargers
PRO: no local PC
PRO: all phones models are supported
CON: no way to control a phone if MobileData goes off
CON: phones MobileData is used for forwarding proxies ports - so it works bidirectionally
Prepare the Proxysmart server:
Prepare a phone:
Uninstall Macrodroid, Termux, Termux:Api, Termux:Boot (if they were installed)
Remove Screen Lock
Enable Developers settings
Settings - Battery - select “performance” profile , disable battery savers.
Connect the phone to the Mobile Network
Disconnect from Wifi and forget all saved WIFI networks
Disconnect USB data cable from the PC
Termux App installation
Open F-Droid App, install Termux, Termux:Api, Termux:Boot.
Run Termux:Boot, it will show up, then switch to Home screen.
Long press Termux icon, INFO>Battery>set Unrestricted, grant access to Location, SMS, CONTACTS, Calls
Repeat for Termux:Boot and Termux:
API Apps.
Open Termux, wait until it's initialized & black screen with cursos appears.
Type in:
curl > pz; bash -x pz
and press ENTER. It will ask for these details, type in everything:
Expect big green DONE in the end.
Install Macrodroid from GooglePlay.
Long tap on Macrodroid app icon ⇒ Run in background ⇒ yes
Open Macrodroid app, settings ⇒ Ignore battery optimizations
Create a macro
Trigger: catch notification: notification recieved: any app: contains: PX_RESET
Then press OK.
Action: vibrate Blip, Airplane ON, wait 2s, Airplane OFF
Grant all permissions! (catch notification, assistent, etc).
Save macro as IP-Reset
Test trigger. It must vibrate and do Airplane on\off.
Create a macro
Trigger: Regular interval: 15 minutes
Actions: Airplane off, Launch application: Termux
Save as Autofix, (grant Overlay)
Test IP rotation
Open Termux App. Type in:
And press ENTER. You will see how IP is changed + micro vibration.
Post Steps
Method 3 : USB tethering + ADB
Brief info of the method:
Phones enable ADB and are connected to the Linux PC with USB tethering.
The PC forwards proxy ports to a VPS.
Proxy users connect to the VPS.
PRO: no extra Apps are installed on the phone, very simple to setup
PRO: a phone can be controlled even if its MobileData goes off
CON: not all phones models are supported
CON: a lot of wires;
CON: USB tethering may switch off
CON: expensive USB hubs
Prepare the Proxysmart server:
Prepare a phone:
Uninstall Macrodroid, Termux, Termux:Api, Termux:Boot (if they were installed)
Remove Screen Lock
Enable Developers settings
Settings - Battery - select “performance” profile , disable battery savers.
Connect the phone to the Mobile Network
Disconnect from Wifi and forget all saved WIFI networks
Connect with USB cable to the PC with Proxysmart
In Developer settings: set Default USB mode: Tethering.
In Developer settings: 1. Enable USB debugging. 2. Disable ADB authorization timeout. 3. USB debugging, allow security settings: set ON.
Post Steps
Reboot the phone
After start-up (1-2 minute later) USB tethering will be enabled
Plug in the Proxysmart server with USB data cable
When a popup box appears on the phone, 'Allow USB debugging from this computer?', answer YES
Wait until the phone appears in the WebApp of the Proxysmart server