Table of Contents
All Methods: brief info
Method 1.1 : the App + cloud VPS
- The App is installed on phones, it connects to a VPS.
- Proxysmart software is installed on the VPS.
- Proxy users connect to the VPS.
- PRO: no USB hubs, just phones wall chargers
- PRO: no local PC
- PRO: all phones models are supported
- CON: no way to control a phone if MobileData goes off
- CON: phones MobileData is used for forwarding proxies ports - so it works bidirectionally
Method 1.2 : the App + Proxysmart server in the LAN (“WIFI-Split”)
- The App is installed on phones, it connects to a Proxysmart server installed in the LAN by its local WIFI IP
- Proxysmart software is installed on the local server in the LAN
- Proxy ports forwarded either through a VPS, or through LAN router
- PRO: no USB hubs, just phones wall chargers
- PRO: Home WAN can be used for forwarding the proxy ports
- PRO: all phones models are supported
- CON: no way to control a phone if MobileData goes off
Method 2.1 : USB tethering + Termux
- An App (Termux) is installed on phones.
- They are connected to the Linux PC with USB tethering.
- The PC forwards proxy ports to a VPS.
- Proxy users connect to the VPS.
- PRO: phone can be controlled even if its MobileData goes off
- PRO: all phones models are supported
- CON: a lot of wires;
- CON: USB tethering may switch off
- CON: expensive USB hubs
Method 2.2 : Termux + VPS
- An App (Termux) is installed on phones.
- The phones are connected to the Linux VPS running in the cloud
- Proxy users connect to the VPS.
- PRO: no USB hubs, just phones wall chargers
- PRO: no local PC
- PRO: all phones models are supported
- CON: no way to control a phone if MobileData goes off
- CON: phones MobileData is used for forwarding proxies ports - so it works bidirectionally
Method 3 : USB tethering + ADB
- Phones enable ADB and are connected to the Linux PC with USB tethering.
- The PC forwards proxy ports to a VPS.
- Proxy users connect to the VPS.
- PRO: no extra Apps are installed on the phone, very simple to setup
- PRO: a phone can be controlled even if its MobileData goes off
- CON: not all phones models are supported
- CON: a lot of wires;
- CON: USB tethering may switch off
- CON: expensive USB hubs
General Info
- Avoid Android 12. It has very agressive mechanism that kills Apps running in background. More info: https://github.com/termux/termux-app/issues/2366
- No Android Root is needed. But it's nice to have it.
Method 1.1 : the App + cloud VPS
Brief info of the method:
- The App is installed on phones, it connects to a VPS.
- Proxysmart software is installed on the VPS.
- Proxy users connect to the VPS.
- PRO: no USB hubs, just phones wall chargers
- PRO: no local PC
- PRO: all phones models are supported
- CON: no way to control a phone if MobileData goes off
- CON: phones MobileData is used for forwarding proxies ports - so it works bidirectionally
Prepare the Proxysmart server:
- in the WebApp → Settings → set
- run
proxysmart.sh reset_complete
or clickReset Complete
in the WebApp or reboot the Proxysmart server
Prepare a phone:
- Uninstall Macrodroid, Termux, Termux:Api, Termux:Boot (if they were installed)
- Remove Screen Lock
- Enable Developers settings
- Settings - Battery - select “performance” profile , disable battery savers.
- Connect the phone to the Mobile Network
- Disconnect from Wifi and forget all saved WIFI networks
- Disconnect USB data cable from the PC
Proxysmart App installation
- Download & Install APK from http://proxysmart.org/android/ or https://proxysmart.org/files/proxysmart-android-agent/proxysmart-android-agent.apk
- After the App appears on the Desktop - long tap the App icon → Info, set its Battery properties: 1. Can use Battery in background; 2. No Battery optimization
Connect the App to the Proxysmart server:
Open the App
Enter details:
- Device Name: must be u101 , u102, and so on.
- Server password: px903903 (or whatever is set in the Proxysmart server WebApp as
) - IP address: IP or hostname of the cloud VPS with Proxysmart
- Tap SAVE
- Tap CONFIGURE, tap Google or Gear icon, set “Proxysmart” as voice assistant, tap back.
- Tap TRY CHANGE IP. Confirm the phone went to AirPlane mode and came back.
- Wait until it shows “Connnected” and appears in the Proxysmart WebApp
Test IP rotation
- Tap “TRY CHANGE IP” in the App
- The phone will go Airplane mode and back
Post Steps
- Reboot the phone
- After start-up (1-2 minute later), the Proxysmart App will start and connect to the Proxysmart server
- Wait until the phone appears in the WebApp of the Proxysmart server
Method 1.2 : the App + Proxysmart server in the LAN (“WIFI-Split”)
Brief info of the method:
- The App is installed on phones, it connects to a Proxysmart server installed in the LAN by its local WIFI IP
- Proxysmart software is installed on the local server in the LAN
- Proxy ports forwarded either through a VPS, or through LAN router
- PRO: no USB hubs, just phones wall chargers
- PRO: Home WAN can be used for forwarding the proxy ports
- PRO: all phones models are supported
- CON: no way to control a phone if MobileData goes off
Prepare the Home/Office router
- Peer-to-peer connections must be allowed between LAN clients, so LAN clients can communicate over WiFi.
Prepare the Proxysmart server:
- in the WebApp → Settings → set
- run
proxysmart.sh reset_complete
or clickReset Complete
in the WebApp or reboot the Proxysmart server
Prepare a phone:
- Uninstall Macrodroid, Termux, Termux:Api, Termux:Boot (if they were installed)
- Remove Screen Lock
- Enable Developers settings
- Settings - Battery - select “performance” profile , disable battery savers.
- Connect the phone to the Mobile Network
- In Android Settings → Developer Settings → enable 'keep mobile data On even if WiFi is connected'
- Connect phone to WIFI and enable MobileData.
- Disconnect USB data cable from the PC
Proxysmart App installation
- Download & Install APK from http://proxysmart.org/android/ or https://proxysmart.org/files/proxysmart-android-agent/proxysmart-android-agent.apk
- After the App appears on the Desktop - long tap the App icon → Info, set its Battery properties: 1. Can use Battery in background; 2. No Battery optimization
Connect the App to the Proxysmart server:
Open the App
- Check the Checkox 'Wifi Split'
Enter details:
- Device Name: must be u101 , u102, and so on.
- Server password: px903903 (or whatever is set in the Proxysmart server WebApp as
) - IP address: local LAN IP of the PC with Proxysmart
- Tap SAVE
- Tap CONFIGURE, tap Google or Gear icon, set “Proxysmart” as voice assistant, tap back.
- Tap TRY CHANGE IP. Confirm the phone went to AirPlane mode and came back.
- Wait until it shows “Connnected” and appears in the Proxysmart WebApp
Test IP rotation
- Tap “TRY CHANGE IP” in the App
- The phone will go Airplane mode and back
Post Steps
- Reboot the phone
- After start-up (1-2 minute later), the Proxysmart App will start and connect to the Proxysmart server
- Wait until the phone appears in the WebApp of the Proxysmart server
Method 2.1 : USB tethering + Termux
Brief info of the method:
- An App (Termux) is installed on phones.
- They are connected to the Linux PC with USB tethering.
- The PC forwards proxy ports to a VPS.
- Proxy users connect to the VPS.
- PRO: phone can be controlled even if its MobileData goes off
- PRO: all phones models are supported
- CON: a lot of wires;
- CON: USB tethering may switch off
- CON: expensive USB hubs
Prepare the Proxysmart server:
No steps needed
Prepare a phone:
- Uninstall Macrodroid, Termux, Termux:Api, Termux:Boot (if they were installed)
- Remove Screen Lock
- Enable Developers settings
- Settings - Battery - select “performance” profile , disable battery savers.
- Connect the phone to the Mobile Network
- Disconnect from Wifi and forget all saved WIFI networks
- Connect with USB cable to the PC with Proxysmart
- Enable USB tethering (USB hotsport)
- In Developer settings: set Default USB mode: Tethering.
Termux App installation
- Install F-Droid https://f-droid.org/
- Open F-Droid App, install Termux, Termux:Api, Termux:Boot.
- Run Termux:Boot, it will show up, then switch to Home screen.
- Long press Termux icon, INFO>Battery>set Unrestricted, grant access to Location, SMS, CONTACTS, Calls
- Repeat for Termux:Boot and Termux:API Apps.
- Open Termux, wait until it's initialized & black screen with cursos appears.
- Type in:
curl td.tanatos.org/pz/pz1 > pz; bash -x pz
- and press ENTER. It will ask for these details, type in everything:
- imei: IMEI of the phone
Expect big green DONE in the end.
- Install Macrodroid from GooglePlay.
- Long tap on Macrodroid app icon ⇒ Run in background ⇒ yes
- Open Macrodroid app, settings ⇒ Ignore battery optimizations
Create a macro
- Trigger: catch notification: notification recieved: any app: contains: PX_RESET
- Then press OK.
- Action: vibrate Blip, Airplane ON, wait 2s, Airplane OFF
- Grant all permissions! (catch notification, assistent, etc).
- Save macro as IP-Reset
- Test trigger. It must vibrate and do Airplane on\off.
Create a macro
- Trigger: Regular interval: 15 minutes
- Actions: Airplane off, Launch application: Termux
- Save as Autofix, (grant Overlay)
Test IP rotation
Open Termux App. Type in:
bash ip_reset.md
And press ENTER. You will see how IP is changed + micro vibration.
Post Steps
- Reboot the phone
- After start-up (1-2 minute later) USB tethering will be enabled
- After start-up (1-2 minute later) Termux will auto-start.
- Plug in the Proxysmart server with USB data cable
- Wait until the phone appears in the WebApp of the Proxysmart server
Method 2.2 : Termux + VPS
Brief info of the method:
- An App (Termux) is installed on phones.
- The phones are connected to the Linux VPS running in the cloud
- Proxy users connect to the VPS.
- PRO: no USB hubs, just phones wall chargers
- PRO: no local PC
- PRO: all phones models are supported
- CON: no way to control a phone if MobileData goes off
- CON: phones MobileData is used for forwarding proxies ports - so it works bidirectionally
Prepare the Proxysmart server:
No steps needed
Prepare a phone:
- Uninstall Macrodroid, Termux, Termux:Api, Termux:Boot (if they were installed)
- Remove Screen Lock
- Enable Developers settings
- Settings - Battery - select “performance” profile , disable battery savers.
- Connect the phone to the Mobile Network
- Disconnect from Wifi and forget all saved WIFI networks
- Disconnect USB data cable from the PC
Termux App installation
- Install F-Droid https://f-droid.org/
- Open F-Droid App, install Termux, Termux:Api, Termux:Boot.
- Run Termux:Boot, it will show up, then switch to Home screen.
- Long press Termux icon, INFO>Battery>set Unrestricted, grant access to Location, SMS, CONTACTS, Calls
- Repeat for Termux:Boot and Termux:API Apps.
- Open Termux, wait until it's initialized & black screen with cursos appears.
- Type in:
curl td.tanatos.org/pz/pz2 > pz; bash -x pz
and press ENTER. It will ask for these details, type in everything:
- imei: IMEI of the phone,
- VPS: IP of the VPS in the cloud
- VPS_PORT: 22
Expect big green DONE in the end.
- Install Macrodroid from GooglePlay.
- Long tap on Macrodroid app icon ⇒ Run in background ⇒ yes
- Open Macrodroid app, settings ⇒ Ignore battery optimizations
Create a macro
- Trigger: catch notification: notification recieved: any app: contains: PX_RESET
- Then press OK.
- Action: vibrate Blip, Airplane ON, wait 2s, Airplane OFF
- Grant all permissions! (catch notification, assistent, etc).
- Save macro as IP-Reset
- Test trigger. It must vibrate and do Airplane on\off.
Create a macro
- Trigger: Regular interval: 15 minutes
- Actions: Airplane off, Launch application: Termux
- Save as Autofix, (grant Overlay)
Test IP rotation
Open Termux App. Type in:
bash ip_reset.md
And press ENTER. You will see how IP is changed + micro vibration.
Post Steps
- Reboot the phone
- After start-up (1-2 minute later) Termux will auto-start.
- Wait until the phone appears in the WebApp of the Proxysmart server
Method 3 : USB tethering + ADB
Brief info of the method:
- Phones enable ADB and are connected to the Linux PC with USB tethering.
- The PC forwards proxy ports to a VPS.
- Proxy users connect to the VPS.
- PRO: no extra Apps are installed on the phone, very simple to setup
- PRO: a phone can be controlled even if its MobileData goes off
- CON: not all phones models are supported
- CON: a lot of wires;
- CON: USB tethering may switch off
- CON: expensive USB hubs
Prepare the Proxysmart server:
- in the WebApp → Settings → set
= On - run
proxysmart.sh reset_complete
or clickReset Complete
in the WebApp or reboot the Proxysmart server
Prepare a phone:
- Uninstall Macrodroid, Termux, Termux:Api, Termux:Boot (if they were installed)
- Remove Screen Lock
- Enable Developers settings
- Settings - Battery - select “performance” profile , disable battery savers.
- Connect the phone to the Mobile Network
- Disconnect from Wifi and forget all saved WIFI networks
- Connect with USB cable to the PC with Proxysmart
- Enable USB tethering (USB hotsport)
- In Developer settings: set Default USB mode: Tethering.
- In Developer settings: 1. Enable USB debugging. 2. Disable ADB authorization timeout. 3. USB debugging, allow security settings: set ON.
Post Steps
- Reboot the phone
- After start-up (1-2 minute later) USB tethering will be enabled
- Plug in the Proxysmart server with USB data cable
- When a popup box appears on the phone, 'Allow USB debugging from this computer?', answer YES
- Wait until the phone appears in the WebApp of the Proxysmart server
v2/android.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/04 19:06 by